Winter begins on December 20 during the Winter Solstice when the North Pole is tilted the farthest from the Sun. This will be the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. 

In many ancient cultures, the winter solstice symbolized the “rebirth of the Sun” as days began to lengthen

Siberian shamans used Amanita muscaria mushrooms during solstice rituals to enter trances and connect with the spirit world—having visions of flying reindeer

Siberian shamans used Amanita muscaria mushrooms during solstice rituals to connect with the spirit world.  They would harvest the mushrooms, dry them, and consume them. Or they would have a reindeer eat them and then drink the reindeer urine which still contained the medicine. Later they would often reportedly have visions of flying reindeer. Reindeer are seen as spirit guides in Siberian and Lapland cultures. The modern image of Santa’s reindeer stems from these ancient stories of reindeer flying.

In Norse mythology, the Sun goddess, Sol, was celebrated during the winter solstice—her chariot was pulled across the sky by reindeer

In Norse mythology, reindeer were believed to pull the chariot of the sun goddess, Sol, across the sky. Sol was celebrated during the solstice as the bringer of light and warmth.

In Celtic and Norse mythology’s, deer appear as spiritual guides during the solstice

In Celtic and Norse mythology’s, deer appear as spiritual guides during the solstice and as symbols of renewal and guidance

Yule honors the “rebirth” of the Sun and celebrated during the winter solstice 

Yule marks the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Yule traditions include lighting Yule logs, decorating evergreen trees, feasting, and giving gifts.

Ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia honoring Saturn, the god of agriculture, sowing, and harvest.

Ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia honoring Saturn, the god of agriculture, sowing, and harvest. Saturnalia aligned with the winter solstice. Saturnalia consisted of feasting, gift-giving, and the temporary inversion of social roles. Saturnalia influenced modern Christmas and New Year celebrations.

The Yule Goat is a guardian figure that symbolizes protection, abundance, and good fortune.

The Yule Goat is a Scandinavian tradition associated with the Norse god Thor, whose chariot was pulled by goats. The Yule Goat is a guardian figure and often depicted as a straw ornament. The Yule Goat symbolizes protection, abundance, and good fortune.

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