Many Native American tribes associate the cardinal with the spiritual and natural worlds

Many Native American tribes associate the cardinal with the spiritual and natural worlds—such as being the daughter of the Sun or that they serve as matchmakers for lovers. Cardinals are believed to be messengers between the spiritual and natural worlds—often connecting us to a loved one that has passed.

Hummingbirds are the only bird species that can fly backwards

Hummingbirds are the only bird species that can fly backwards. They can also fly upside down.

The booby name, for the blue-footed booby, comes from the Spanish word ‘bobo’ meaning clownish or stupid

The booby name, for the blue-footed booby, comes from the Spanish word ‘bobo’ meaning clownish or stupid.  It also refers to how clumsy these birds are on land.

In some African folklore, the Lilac-breasted roller is considered a symbol of peace

In some African folklore, the Lilac-breasted roller is considered a symbol of peace. The lilac-breasted roller, or kambu in Swahili, is a colorful bird found in Eastern and Southern Africa.

It takes about 5 years for a Bald Eagle to develop a white head

It takes about 5 years for a Bald Eagle to develop a white head. The “bald” in bald eagle is from the Old English word balde meaning white. The bald eagle lives exclusively in North America.

an eagle flying in the sky
Photo by Frank Cone on

A group of owls is called a “parliament,” a term from the book “Chronicles of Narnia.”

A group of owls is called a “parliament,” a term from the book “Chronicles of Narnia.” Congress is another term used for groups of owls. Owls are often used to represent wisdom and knowledge.

A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance

A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. The word flamingo comes from the Spanish and Portuguese word flamengo, which means flame-colored.

Each year, up to a billion birds are lost to colliding into buildings and windows

Each year, up to a billion birds are lost to colliding into buildings and windows. Bright lights attract and disorient nocturnally migrating birds, causing fatal collisions with buildings.

Help protect birds flying through your area by turning off all non-essential lighting at night.

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