a monkey sitting on tree branch

Chinese Scientists Successfully Cloned A Monkey And Named Him Retro

Researchers have successfully cloned a rhesus monkey named Retro, marking a significant advance as the second primate species to be cloned.  Cloning monkeys may offer new avenues for scientific exploration, disease research, and species conservation. The ethical aspects of cloning animals, especially primates, raise concerns, but the researchers assert compliance with Chinese laws and guidelines. …

close up shot of a seahorse

Seahorses Are The Slowest Fish In The Sea

Seahorses are the slowest fish in the sea but still capture 90% of their prey. Having only a tiny back fin to propel them through the water, seahorses can swim at a max speed of 0.001 mph.  Despite their slow speeds, sea horses are great hunters because of their stealth-like ability to camouflage and move …