Congress is another term used for groups of owls. Owls are often used to represent wisdom and knowledge. In Greek mythology, Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, was often represented as an owl or with an owl.
American Kestrels are the smallest and most common falcon in North America
American kestrels are also the most colorful of all the raptors, hunt in open-habitats, and are about the size of a Mourning Dove.
Peacock only refers to the colorfully male peafowl
Peacock only refers to the colorfully male peafowl. Lady peafowls are called peahens and are much smaller and not as colorful. Peacocks have varying cultural significance having appeared in stories involving Alexander the Great, King Solomon, the Garden of Eden, and the Greek goddess Hera.
Hummingbirds fly solo rather than in flocks
Hummingbirds are not social birds. Hummingbirds are solitary birds and become aggressive when competing for food sources or mates.