We Are Now In Mercury Retrograde Until April 25

Mercury goes into retrograde several times a year when the planet appears to be going backward in its orbit. Throughout history, it has been reported that strange and unusual events may occur during Mercury retrograde, such as breakdowns of communication systems, misunderstandings between people, interruptions in travel plans, and technical malfunctions.

Guide To The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipses can only be seen in certain locations and require safe eyewear. Lunar eclipses are visible at night, except the dimming of the Moon’s light is barely noticeable during a penumbral eclipse. In 2023, there will be four eclipses: two solar and two lunar. View dates with Naturalist’s Guide.

Image of solar eclipse

2023 Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses

Solar eclipses can only be seen in certain locations and require safe eyewear. Lunar eclipses are visible at night, except the dimming of the Moon’s light is barely noticeable during a penumbral eclipse. In 2023, there will be four eclipses: two solar and two lunar. View dates with Naturalist’s Guide.