Ancient beliefs across Egypt, Scotland, Japan, France, and Native America consider the black cat as a sign of good luck, wealth, and protection.

The black cat is often considered the least adopted pet from animal shelters. Some people say it’s because black cats are considered to bring bad luck. This is a modern belief likely stemming from the witch trials of America and Europe when black cats were considered spiritual protectors of witches and doers of evil. During this time black cats were harmed and killed.

The reputation of the black cat never recovered.

Do black cats bring bad luck?

Black cats are often associated with bad luck and evil. For example, during the witch trials in Europe and America, many women accused of witchcraft were believed to have turned into black cats in order to carry out their evil deeds. Some lore believes that witches kept black cats to serve as their familiars, offering companionship and spiritual protection.

However, in some parts of the world, black cats are thought to bring good luck.

In ancient Egypt, black cats were revered and believed to bring good fortune.

In Japanese folklore, owning a black cat and and a black cat crossing your path are seen as a signs of good luck.

In Scottish lore, a strange black cat appearing on your porch is a sign of prosperity.

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