As we say good-bye to the old year and embrace the promise of a new one, it’s the time for introspection and making new resolutions. By adopting eco-friendly choices inspired by our love of nature, we not only enhance our own well-being but also contribute to the health and vitality of our planet.

Here are some eco-friendly resolutions that not only connect us with nature but also helps us develop healthier patterns in our daily lives.

Eat Locally and Seasonally

Support local agriculture to reduce carbon footprints associated with out-of-season produce or imported meat. Join a local CSA or produce box program to support area farms.

Regularly Explore a New Trail

Discover and hike a new trail each month. Apps like AllTrails and Gaia GPS can help with planning and navigation. 

Approved by Naturalist’s Guide

All Trails App

All Trails has over 400K trail maps that are curated by experts and reviewed by users.

Learn About Local Flora and Fauna

Learn about plants by starting a garden or join a community garden. Incorporate sustainable gardening practices, such as composting and using native plants to support local pollinators. 

Or learn about local plants and animals through a guided educational hike with park rangers or naturalists. Check with your local nature center for event dates.  

Build a More Sustainable Outdoor Lifestyle

Make sustainable choices in your outdoor gear and lifestyle. Opt for eco-friendly products  and support brands committed to environmental responsibility. Repair ripped or damaged clothing or gear instead of purchasing replacements. Other alternatives include buying thrifted or refurbished clothing like Patagonia’s Worn Wear

Explore the Night Sky

Download a stargazing app to identify constellations and track upcoming celestial events. Invest in a telescope or astronomy binoculars for a closer view of the cosmos. Plan stargazing outings during meteor showers, eclipses, and planetary conjunctions. 

Astrotourism—tourism devoted to stargazing—is reportedly one of the next big trends in adventure travel. 

Rock Identifier App

Use image recognition to identify stones, crystals, and gemstones.

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Sky Guide App

Use augmented reality to find and identify stars and constellations.

Shop Natural Materials 

While shopping for clothing, look for items made from natural fibers like 100% cotton, wool, and silk. These items are often better for the environment and last longer than items made from acrylic, rayon, and polyester. 

Instead of single use plastics, opt for reusable or eco-friendly alternatives like aluminum cups or bamboo plates. 

Explore More Parks 

Prioritize visits and vacations to national parks, state parks, wildlife reserves, etc. Many national and state parks have lodges, cabins, and small hotels available for booking within the park itself offering a rare opportunity to immerse yourself into the natural surroundings without having to camp. 

Get Active Outdoors

Choose outdoor activities that align with your interests, such as hiking, biking, or nature walks. Participate in organized outdoor fitness events like trail runs or yoga in the park. Incorporate outdoor workouts from apps like Future and Peloton into your routine to stay healthy and connected to nature. 

Approved by Naturalist’s Guide

Future Personal Training App

Future helps you build healthy habits with daily support from your coach.

Learn a New Outdoorsy Skill

Challenge yourself to learn a new outdoor skill, whether it’s rock climbing, kayaking, skiing, bird identification, or navigation. Visit your local outfitters for workshops and classes on things to do in your area.  

Practice Mindfulness in Nature

Engage in activities like forest bathing, meditation, or yoga and stretching outdoors. Practice mindfulness by truly immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural environment like touching bark, listening to birds, watching the trees sway. 

Practice Leave No Trace Principles

Commit to environmental stewardship by minimizing your impact during outdoor activities. Leave No Trace is more than minimizing and disposing trash, it is comprised of seven principles that include staying on durable surfaces, minimizing campfire damage, and leaving what you find. Learn more about Leave No Trace.

Volunteer for Outdoor Conservation

Give back to the environment by volunteering for outdoor conservation projects. Participate in trail maintenance, tree planting initiatives, or other community-based efforts aimed at preserving natural spaces.

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