Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love

Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love

According to legend, roses were originally only white but turned red after Cupid mischievously poured wine over the flower Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love. Roses are the most popular flower in the world with over 150 species and thousands of hybrids being cultivated globally.  In Northern European folklore, roses are believed to be owned by …

facts about black cats

Symbolism of Black Cats: Luck, Protection, and Folklore

In American folklore, women accused of witchcraft were believed to have black cats as their familiars, offering companionship and protection In the United States, especially around Halloween, black cats are often linked to witchcraft and spooky superstitions that date back to Puritan times. The association with witchcraft is an old European belief brought to America, …

full solar eclipse

Solar Eclipse Folklore

China: In China, people thought a dragon was eating away at the Sun during a solar eclipse. They would shoot arrows at the sky and play drums to try to scare the dragon away.  Native America: Suring solar eclipses, some Native American tribes would shoot flaming arrows into the sky in order to reignite the Sun. …