Due to its moon-like glow, selenite is derived from the Greek word for moon, ‘selene’

What is Selenite?

Selenite, a captivating and ethereal crystal, is admired for its translucent elegance and serene presence. Its linear crystal habit and fine parallel striations create a unique visual effect reminiscent of moonlight. Selenite is widely used in meditation and spiritual practices for energy clearing. 

Selenite is a crystalline form of gypsum. Its name is derived from the Greek word for moon, ‘selene’, owing to its moon-like glow.

Close-up of tumbled selenite stones showcasing their translucent quality.
A close-up view of smooth, tumbled selenite stones, known for their clarity and calming properties.

Meaning and Symbolism of Selenite

Selenite is often regarded as a stone of mental clarity and purification. It symbolizes purity, peace, and spiritual progression.

A single polished selenite egg against a black backdrop highlighting its luminous appearance.

A Stone for Cleansing

Selenite is believed to have the ability to cleanse and clear other crystals and spaces of negative energies. Many people place other stones and crystals on or near selenite to cleanse and recharge them, especially after heavy use.

Selenite, with its calming properties, is believed to be ideal for meditation and spiritual work. It’s said to promote mental clarity, unblocking stagnant or negative energy, thus fostering a peaceful environment.

Selenite is associated with the crown chakra, helping to align and clear the pathway to higher consciousness.


Translucent colorless, often with a pearly luster.


Pearly to vitreous (glassy).


From transparent to translucent.

Chemical Composition

Primarily CaSO4·2H2O (gypsum)

Healing Properties of Selenite

Selenite is believed to have calming properties that instill deep peace and tranquility. It’s often used in practices aimed at clearing negative energy and enhancing mental clarity.

Its gentle healing qualities are thought to bring about emotional stability and promote a clear mind. Selenite is also associated with enhancing awareness and contact with the spiritual world.

While the healing properties of selenite are cherished in various traditions, it’s important to note that these claims are based on metaphysical beliefs and have not been scientifically verified.

White sage bundles with red string and a selenite wand in an abalone shell on a rocky surface.
White sage bundles tied with red string alongside a selenite wand, traditionally used in spiritual cleansing rituals.

Historical Significance and Uses of Selenite

Selenite has been valued for centuries for its beauty and supposed metaphysical properties.

  • Ancient Uses: Selenite has been used in ancient cultures as window panes due to its translucent nature.
  • Spiritual Significance: It is believed to be a powerful tool for spiritual work, aiding in accessing higher consciousness and facilitating communication with guardian angels.
  • Cultural Beliefs: In various cultures, selenite is considered to bring about clarity, truth, and honesty in personal relationships.
  • Modern Uses: Today, selenite is popular in home décor, jewelry, and for its alleged calming and cleansing abilities in energy healing practices.

How to Identify Selenite

Selenite can be easily identified by its sheer, almost transparent appearance, and the way it scatters light. Its unique striations and pearly luster are also distinctive characteristics. Selenite is sometimes confused as Moonstone due to their sometimes similar appearance. However, selenite is a much softer mineral and much more fragile. Selenite can be scratch with a fingernail.

How to Pick Out Selenite

When choosing selenite, look for specimens with clear, well-defined striations and a smooth finish. The quality and size of selenite can affect its price, with larger, more transparent pieces being more sought after.

Selenite is often sold as rods or as slabs. Slabs are the most practical for recharging other crystals that are placed onto the slab.

Rock Identifier App

Use image recognition to identify stones, crystals, and gemstones.

Uses for Selenite

Selenite is widely used in meditation and spiritual practices for energy clearing. It is also popular in home décor as lamps or decorative pieces for its soothing and aesthetic appeal.

Composition and Formation of Selenite

Selenite is a form of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), a mineral typically formed in clay beds, salt flats, and hot springs. It is known for its clarity and linear crystalline structure.

How to Care for Selenite

Selenite is a delicate crystal that requires careful handling. It should be kept dry as it can dissolve in water. DO NOT GET SELENITE WET. Dusting with a soft brush and avoiding harsh chemicals will help maintain its luster.

Selenite can be cleansed with sage and recharged in both moon and sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Selenite do?

Selenite is believed to promote peace, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.

What is Selenite good for?

It is often used for meditation, energy clearing, and as a decorative element due to its serene appearance.

How to clean Selenite?

Gently dust with a soft brush; avoid using water or cleaners.

Is Selenite fragile?

Yes, it is a soft

 mineral and should be handled with care to avoid scratches or damage.

Should you recharge Selenite?

Yes, selenite can be recharged in moonlight.

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