image of headless chicken monster also known as the swimming sea cucumber

The Headless Chicken Monster of the Deep Sea

The scientific name of the “headless chicken monster” is Enypniastes eximia; meaning the “dreamer sea cucumber” The “headless chicken monster” is a swimming sea cucumber that kinda looks like a plucked, headless chicken. The more common name of the headless chicken monster is the swimming sea cucumber because of their ability to swim unlike other sea …

Florida Bans the Releasing of Balloons to Protect Wildlife

Beginning July 1st in Florida, it will be illegal to release balloons into the sky. Often associated with celebrations and memorials, the release of balloons has been identified as a significant environmental hazard to wildlife.  Turtles, birds, and other wildlife frequently mistake deflated balloons and their strings for food, leading to ingestion, entanglement, suffering, and even …

image of a cicada on a leaf

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is asking the public to stop harvesting cicadas from state parks

According to a release by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, there have been multiple reports of people harvesting cicadas at Big Foot Beach State Park in Walworth County in Wisconsin. Wisconsin state law prohibits the capture and removal of insects from state park properties. There are exceptions for hunting and fishing activities that are …

black fox squirrel resting on tree branch

The Fox Squirrels of Pinehurst

Fox Squirrels Are Common on hiking trails and Golf Courses in the North Carolina Sandhills If you are ever out hiking or golfing in the Sandhills of North Carolina, you may stumble upon a large curious, rodent-like critter with black fur. Often confused as a skunk, fox, or raccoon, the large animal is actually the …