Eight Random Facts About Birds

Many Native American tribes associate the cardinal with the spiritual and natural worlds Many Native American tribes associate the cardinal with the spiritual and natural worlds—such as being the daughter of the Sun or that they serve as matchmakers for lovers. Cardinals are believed to be messengers between the spiritual and natural worlds—often connecting us …

Pigs can breathe through their butts

Pigs can breathe through their butts. So can mice and rats! Scientists discovered this by researching alternative methods for ventilators traditionally used to pump oxygen to the lungs. Turns out, oxygen gas via the anus into the intestines worked in reoxygenating blood. Read the research in “Ventilating the rectum to support respiration” >> https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/809010

image of a beautiful camel

In 2018, over 40 camels were disqualified from a beauty contest for receiving Botox injections

In 2018, more than 40 camels were disqualified from Saudi Arabia’s prestigious King Abdulaziz Camel Festival after it was discovered they had received Botox injections.  The festival held annually outside Riyadh, showcases the most beautiful camels, with winners competing for prize money ranging from $26 million to $66 million. Prize-winning camels are judged on features …

opossum on the rocks

Fun Facts About Possums

Possums are not dangerous to humans and are beneficial to the environment. Possums are immune to snake venom Possums are immune to snake venom from rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, and pit vipers. This is due to a protein in their blood called LTNF (Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor). Possums can hold and hang onto things with their tails …