Gentoo penguins propose to their mates by presenting them with the smoothest pebble they can find. If the female accepts, they use it to build their nest together and will mate for life.

Gentoo penguins propose to their mates by presenting them with the smoothest pebble they can find—they use it to build their nest together and will mate for life

Gentoo penguins propose to their mates by presenting them with the smoothest pebble they can find. If the female accepts, she will gift him one back. They will do this back-and-forth for weeks until they have the perfect amount of pretty pebbles to build their nest together. Source Potter, A. (n.d.). The gift to win …

Eight Random Facts About Birds

Many Native American tribes associate the cardinal with the spiritual and natural worlds Many Native American tribes associate the cardinal with the spiritual and natural worlds—such as being the daughter of the Sun or that they serve as matchmakers for lovers. Cardinals are believed to be messengers between the spiritual and natural worlds—often connecting us …