image of the earth from space

The Earth Spins At About 1,000 Miles Per Hour

 The actual speed of Earth’s spin depends on where you are because the planet moves fastest around the equator. At Earth’s equator, the speed of Earth’s spin is about 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 km per hour). For places in higher latitudes like NYC, the Earth spins at around 789 mph. This is because the …

Image of the coast of Maine

The Closest U.S. State to Africa is Maine

Quoddy Head, Maine, in the Northeastern United States, and El Beddouza, Morocco are estimated to be about 3,154 miles apart (approximately 5,076 kilometers). Cape Cod, Massachusetts is the second closest at 3,332 mile from El Beddouza, Morocco. Cape Hatteras, North Carolina is third with a distance of 3,625 mile from Tarfaya, Morocco. Florida’s Singer Island …

Ghost Pipe | Monotropa uniflora

A Naturalist’s Guide to Ghost Pipe or Indian Pipe Ghost Pipe is a wildflower with a ghostly appearance, a unique relationship with fungi, and a role in traditional medicine. Ghost pipe, also known as Indian pipe or corpse plant, is a white, waxy, and translucent wildflower found in North American forests. The various names come from its resemblance …