Paleontologists Have Found A 240-million-year-old ‘Chinese Dragon’

Paleontologists Have Found A 240-million-year-old ‘Chinese Dragon’ 

The fossil of the Chinese Dragon is 16-feet long, has flippered limbs, and preserved fish fossils in its stomach. It was given the nickname “Chinese Dragon” due to its resemblance to the mythical, elongated, and serpentine Chinese dragon. The Chinese Dragon, Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, is an aquatic reptile from the Triassic period of China, dating to around 240 …


Capybaras are considered a type of fish by the Vatican and can be eaten during Lent 

Alligators, puffins, and turtles also fall under the same category. Centuries ago, the Vatican expanded the definition of “fish” to include critters like beavers, muskrats, and capybaras, allowing their consumption during the Lenten season. During the 17th century, the Bishop of Quebec asked if beaver meat could be consumed on Fridays during Lent, given that …

Bioluminescent ghost mushrooms glowing in the dark, nestled on a forest tree trunk.

Ghost Mushrooms are Bioluminescent—Their Glow is Created by the Same Biochemical Responsible For the Light From Fireflies

Glow-in-dark mushrooms are called “ghost mushrooms.” There are over 70 species of bioluminescent mushrooms. Ghost mushrooms were often mistaken as a mystical fire or a ghastly ghost when seen in the forest at night—called Foxfire or Fairy Fire.  Ghost mushrooms produce a light that can be seen from a distance ranging in color from green, …