facts about black cats

Symbolism of Black Cats: Luck, Protection, and Folklore

In American folklore, women accused of witchcraft were believed to have black cats as their familiars, offering companionship and protection In the United States, especially around Halloween, black cats are often linked to witchcraft and spooky superstitions that date back to Puritan times. The association with witchcraft is an old European belief brought to America, …

Pigs can breathe through their butts

Pigs can breathe through their butts. So can mice and rats! Scientists discovered this by researching alternative methods for ventilators traditionally used to pump oxygen to the lungs. Turns out, oxygen gas via the anus into the intestines worked in reoxygenating blood. Read the research in “Ventilating the rectum to support respiration” >> https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/809010