The Mexican or Brazilian free-tailed bat, can reach speeds of 100 mph (160 km/h) and can fly at an altitude of 10,800 ft (3,300 m) 

Bats are the only mammals capable of sustained flight. Bat wings are essentially modified hands with a thin membrane. The membrane stretches between the fingers and extends down the sides of the body and legs. It is made of skin and other connective tissues. A native to Florida, the Mexican or Brazilian free-tailed bat, can …

Seven Facts About Bats

Vampire Bats Do Exist Most bats eat insects or fruit. However, there are three species of bats, known as vampire bats, that feed on blood from livestock. Bats are pollinators of the agave plant, which is used to make tequila Bats play a critical role in pollination and seed dispersal for a lot of fruits …

Five Facts About Ghost Pipe

Ghost Pipe is a pale white wildflower that thrives on mushrooms Ghost pipe also known as Indian pipe gets its name from its ghostly color and resemblance to the Native American peace pipe Ghost pipe, also known as Indian pipe or corpse plant, is a white, waxy, and translucent wildflower found in North American forests. The various names …

facts about black cats

Symbolism of Black Cats: Luck, Protection, and Folklore

In American folklore, women accused of witchcraft were believed to have black cats as their familiars, offering companionship and protection In the United States, especially around Halloween, black cats are often linked to witchcraft and spooky superstitions that date back to Puritan times. The association with witchcraft is an old European belief brought to America, …