Glass frogs are tiny measuring between three-quarters of an inch to one and a half inches (20 – 32 mm) in length but have the ability to jump up to 10 feet into the air
Copperhead snakes bite more Americans each year than any other species of snake
Copperheads have chestnut or reddish-brown crossbands on a lighter-colored body. These snakes are found in rocky areas, grassy lots, wooded areas, and along streams and rivers. ‼️ Tips to Avoid Snakes Walk on established trails as much as possible. Be careful when stepping over fallen logs and rock outcroppings. Be careful along creek banks and …
Porcupines are good climbers and will climb trees for food
It isn’t uncommon for porcupines to also fall out of trees.
Octopuses have over 2,000 suction cups on all eight arms
They can use them taste, grab, and smell things.
The most trafficked mammals in the world are Pangolins
Pangolins are illegally trafficked for their meat and use in spiritual and medicinal practices dating back thousands of years. While some mythologies believe that harming a pangolin will bring bad luck.