Tomatoes were cultivated by the Aztecs in the Americas—they were brought to Italy by the Spanish in the 1500s—but people thought they were either poisonous or an aphrodisiac

Tomatoes were cultivated by the Aztecs in the Americas—they were brought to Italy by the Spanish in the 1500s

Tomatoes were cultivated by the Aztecs in the Americas—then brought to Italy by the Spanish in the 1500s—but people thought they were either poisonous or an aphrodisiac. In France, tomatoes were called pommes d’amour—“apples of love”—due to the belief that they had aphrodisiac properties; In Italy, tomatoes were called pomi d’oro—“golden apples”—because the first tomatoes in Europe …

Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love

Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love

According to legend, roses were originally only white but turned red after Cupid mischievously poured wine over the flower Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love. Roses are the most popular flower in the world with over 150 species and thousands of hybrids being cultivated globally.  In Northern European folklore, roses are believed to be owned by …

Silhouette of a wolf howling at a full moon in a twilight wilderness setting.

Howling For The Wolf Moon: Five Wolf Facts

Five Wolf Facts and Over 30 Seconds of Howls In the Nez Perce (Nimiipuu) Tribe, wolves (hîmiin) symbolize wisdom, strength, and family loyalty in tribal legend.  In the Nez Perce (Nimiipuu) Tribe, wolves (hîmiin) symbolize wisdom, strength, and family loyalty in tribal legend. The wolf is viewed as a leader of animals that influences how those animals …

Medicinal Plants from Witchy Folklore

Wolfsbane was used as protection against werewolves and vampires In European folklore, wolfsbane was believed to protect against werewolves and vampires. Others believed that touching wolfsbane on a full moon could cause shape-shifting. Historically, wolfsbane was used in small doses to treat patients who had delusions of being a wolf. It was also said to …