In Iceland, the Yule Cat, Jólakötturinn, is a giant black cat that eats anyone who hasn’t received new clothes by Christmas Eve.
Winter Solstice, Reindeer, and the Sun
Winter begins on December 20 during the Winter Solstice when the North Pole is tilted the farthest from the Sun. This will be the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. In many ancient cultures, the winter solstice symbolized the “rebirth of the Sun” as days began to lengthen Siberian …
Studies Show That As Little As 10 Minutes In Nature Can Help Relieve Symptoms Of Mental Illness
Researchers have found that getting outside can improve mental health. Time outside means better stress management, improved feelings of fulfillment, and feeling more a part of a community. As mental illnesses rise across the globe, it is important to have cheap and accessible treatment options available. A recent study suggests that healthcare providers should think …
Best Restaurants In Pinehurst, Southern Pines, and Aberdeen, NC
A Guide To The Best Places Featuring Natural Foods, Products, and Experiences Aptly known as the “Home of American Golf,” Pinehurst, Southern Pines, and Aberdeen are a trio of small towns in Central North Carolina with about 40 golf courses within a 15-mile radius. Vacationers from New England and the Midwest began to flock to …
The April Full Moon Is Called The Pink Moon
The April full Moon is called the Pink Moon. This moon is named for the pink flowers – phlox – and other flowers that bloom in the early spring. It’s a symbol of the new blooms and growth of this time. Traditional names for each full moon in a year often come from various sources, …