eco-friendly new years resolutions for outdoorsy people

New Year’s Resolutions for Nature-Lovers

As we say good-bye to the old year and embrace the promise of a new one, it’s the time for introspection and making new resolutions. By adopting eco-friendly choices inspired by our love of nature, we not only enhance our own well-being but also contribute to the health and vitality of our planet. Here are some …

Beginner’s Guide to Stargazing: Pro Tips and Tricks

Are you a lover of the night sky? Do you find yourself constantly looking up at the stars in wonder and awe?  Stargazing is like a magical portal to the universe, where you can escape everyday life and embark on a cosmic journey from anywhere. Not only is stargazing a peaceful and relaxing activity, but it …

Sunset image of the Smoky Mountains

6 Reasons To Explore The Great Smoky Mountains

With over 800 miles of hiking trails, Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited National Park in the United States. Black bears live at all elevations of Great Smoky Mountains National Park with an estimated 2,000 black bears—about two bears per square mile. The Great Smoky Mountains are known as the “Salamander Capital …

Image of hiking trail

Field Notes | What I Pack On A Hike

Field Notes is Naturalist’s Guide blog written and edited by publisher and producer Ashley Deese. Naturalist’s Guide is supported through advertising products, events, and resources from our trusted partner organizations. Every product featured is vetted, tested, and approved by the Naturalist’s Guide team. As the producer behind Naturalist’s Guide, I try to spend a lot …