The native mountain vegetation emits volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere along with oxygen. A fog begins to form due to the high volume of flora and fauna releasing these compounds. But unlike oxygen, these compounds easily evaporate at normal temperature and pressure which is why we can see it.
The colors of hot springs are created by colonies of microorganisms living in the water
These microorganisms thrive in heat with colorless and yellow microbes growing in the hottest water. And orange, brown, and green microbes growing in cooler thermal waters. The springs can be viewed safely from designated trails and boardwalks at Yellowstone National Park.
The International Space Station is about 250 miles high and orbits Earth every 90 minutes
Since the ISS orbits the Earth every 90 minutes the crew on board will see 16 sunrises and sunsets every day. The ISS travels at about 17,500 miles/28,000 kilometers per hour.
Cave Water Untouched By Humans
In Carlsbad Caverns National Park, this isolated pool of cave water is completely untouched by humans. Found in the Lechuguilla Cave network in New Mexico, the pool is about one foot wide, two feet long and several inches deep. The water is actually clear and may be ancient rainwater that filtered down the caves limestone …
The Bering Sea divides the two largest landmasses on Earth—Eurasia and the Americas
The Bering Sea is between Alaska in the United States and Siberia in Russia. The Bering Sea is between Alaska in the United States and Siberia in Russia. The water can be hard for boats to navigate through huge swells, icebergs, and sea ice. Many kinds of wildlife like whales, seals, sea lions, walruses, puffins, and …