Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love

Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love

According to legend, roses were originally only white but turned red after Cupid mischievously poured wine over the flower Roses symbolize beauty, suffering, and love. Roses are the most popular flower in the world with over 150 species and thousands of hybrids being cultivated globally.  In Northern European folklore, roses are believed to be owned by …

Aphrodisiacs in nature

Aphrodisiacs in Nature

An aphrodisiac is any substance used to increase pleasure, desire, and/or performance In Indian and Greek folklore, saffron was considered to be an aphrodisiac so potent that it would corrupt any woman In Indian and Greek folklore, saffron was considered to be an aphrodisiac so potent that it would corrupt any woman. Today, saffron has …

Roman soldiers were paid with salt—given as a monthly allowance called a “salarium.” Salarium evolved into the word “salary.”

Roman soldiers were paid with salt instead of money.  💵 This monthly allowance was called a “salarium” from the Latin word “sal” for salt. Over time, salarium evolved into the English word “salary.”  Salt was valuable because it was essential for preserving and flavoring food like meat and fish. Salt is harvested from both the …

Winter Solstice, Reindeer, and the Sun

Winter begins on December 20 during the Winter Solstice when the North Pole is tilted the farthest from the Sun. This will be the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.  In many ancient cultures, the winter solstice symbolized the “rebirth of the Sun” as days began to lengthen Siberian …