The name of the Wolf Moon likely refers to the howling of wolves that is often heard during this time of year. It’s thought that wolves howl more during the winter due to hunger, to communicate with their pack, or because it is their breeding season. On January 13, the first full moon of the year, …
The November Full Moon is Called the Beaver Moon and Will be the Final Supermoon of the Year
The November full Moon will be on November 15, starting at 4:29 p.m. EST The November full Moon is called the Beaver Moon because this is when beavers are busy preparing for winter like fortifying their dams or stocking their food supply. Another explanation is that November was the time of year to set beaver …
The October full Moon is called the Hunter’s Moon and will be the brightest supermoon of the year
The October full Moon will be on October 17, 2024 at 7:26 a.m. EDT Following the harvest, animals are fattened, and this moon marks the time to hunt in preparation for winter. This will be the third of four consecutive supermoons this year. A Supermoon is when the Moon will be at its closest to Earth and …
The September full Moon is called the Harvest Moon—will be a supermoon and partial lunar eclipse
The September full Moon is called the Harvest Moon. This moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox—the time of year when many crops are harvested. The September Harvest Moon will be a supermoon and have a partial lunar eclipse. A partial lunar eclipse happens when there is an imperfect alignment …
An Underground Cave Was Just Discovered On The Moon–Could Be Future Moonbase For Explorers
Scientists have confirmed the existence of a cave on the moon at the Sea of Tranquility. The cave is located 250 miles (400 kilometers) from the Apollo 11 landing site, where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked 55 years ago. The known area is at least 130 feet (40 meters) wide and extends tens of …