Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Flying Through Space on A Singing Comet

According to the European Space Agency, Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko seems to be emitting a ‘song’ in the form of oscillations in the magnetic field in the comet’s environment.  It is being sung at 40-50 millihertz, far below human hearing, which typically picks up sound between 20 Hz and 20 kHz.  To make the music audible to …

Beginner’s Guide to Stargazing: Pro Tips and Tricks

Are you a lover of the night sky? Do you find yourself constantly looking up at the stars in wonder and awe?  Stargazing is like a magical portal to the universe, where you can escape everyday life and embark on a cosmic journey from anywhere. Not only is stargazing a peaceful and relaxing activity, but it …

Vivid Orange Moon rising behind silhouetted trees.

No One Born After 1935 Has Set Foot On The Moon

While NASA’s Artemis Il mission plans to send four astronauts over 230,000 miles from Earth on a trip around the farside of the moon, the Artemis team will not make a lunar landing. After its trip around the far side of the Moon-the spacecraft will be pulled back naturally by Earth’s gravity for re-entry and …

image of the moon

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