The Latin word ‘coma,’ in the constellation Coma Berenices, references A Queen’s hair NGC 4689 lies in the hair of a queen This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the spiral galaxy NGC 4689, which lies 54 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Coma Berenices. This constellation is named after the historical figure, Queen Berenice II …
The April Full Moon Is Called The Pink Moon
The April full Moon is called the Pink Moon. This moon is named for the pink flowers – phlox – and other flowers that bloom in the early spring. It’s a symbol of the new blooms and growth of this time. Traditional names for each full moon in a year often come from various sources, …
Solar Eclipse Folklore
China: In China, people thought a dragon was eating away at the Sun during a solar eclipse. They would shoot arrows at the sky and play drums to try to scare the dragon away. Native America: Suring solar eclipses, some Native American tribes would shoot flaming arrows into the sky in order to reignite the Sun. …
Rare Devil Comet to appear in the night sky until April 2 and in the daytime sky during the eclipse
The Devil Comet will be visible at night until April 2. Then it will transition into the daytime sky and may momentarily become visible during the total solar eclipse on April 8. Weather permitting. Officially named Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, the Devil Comet appears around every 71.3 years and won’t be visible again until 2095. The Devil …
Guide To The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Solar eclipses can only be seen in certain locations and require safe eyewear. Lunar eclipses are visible at night, except the dimming of the Moon’s light is barely noticeable during a penumbral eclipse. In 2023, there will be four eclipses: two solar and two lunar. View dates with Naturalist’s Guide.